Sorry for such a long email. Our google group is not working for some reason (please call me if you have any technical knowledge on this)
Please distribute this message widely.
1) Call for action at Yarlswood tmrw, Saturday 27th
2) Lobby Home Office on Tuesday 30th
3) Bloomsbury Living Wage Campaign Wednesday 1st July
4) SOAS Occupiers host lunchtime filmshowing and food at Marxism, 4th July
Let them stay..
Our cleaners are not criminals!
Staff and students at SOAS are calling for Alan Johnson, Secretary of State
for the Home Office, to grant leave to remain with permission to work for
Marina Silva and Rosa dePerez, two of the SOAS cleaners picked up in a
brutal immigration raid on 12th June. Marina, who is 63 and has applied for
asylum, following het brutal honour killing of her husband and threats to
her own life, and Rosa, who has four children to support in Nicaragua,
remain in detention following the raid. Their colleagues, including six
months pregnant Luzia, were deported within 48 hours of the raid.
Cleaners at SOAS had demanded and organised for dignity at work with many
joining a union. They had succeeded in winning union recognition from the
privatised cleaning firm ISS and raising their pay to the London Living
Wage—higher than other colleges in the area. It is of grave concern that the
raid, organised by ISS, took place shortly after this campaign and on the
very day on which UNISON was due to protest in support of an activist who
had played a leading role in organising the cleaners at SOAS.
Please support our campaign:
*Lobby the Home Office, Tuesday 30th June, 5.30-6.30pm*
2 marsham st, millbank, Sw1
*Sign the letter requesting leave to remain is granted to Marina and Rosa*
For more information go to: http://freesoascleaners.
*Stop the Deportation of SOAS University Cleaners!*
*Supported by SOAS UNISON and UCU*
In solidarity
Email freesoasclean...@googlemail.
Please distribute widely
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Call to action in solidarity with detainees at Yarl's Wood detention centre:
Two weeks after nine cleaners at SOAS were taken into
detention, take action for justice for the SOAS 9 and in solidarity with
detainees in Yarls' Wood on hunger strike for demand including: freeing
children who are detained, adequate access to health care, quality food and
real privacy. Hundreds of people in Yarls Wood are being denied the medical
care they need including a woman with epilepsy and a 5 months' pregnant woman
in the families' section. Families have been on hunger strike for over a week
now and we need to show them our support!
Forward this message widely>>>>>>
Morning – Action to let
the Yarl’s Wood detainees know that we stand with them in opposing the
injustice of immigration controls, the imprisonment of innocent people and the
denial of basic access to healthcare. Call 07952 254487 for more information.
1pm – March and speak out against cuts in ESOL Teaching
Meet Bethnal Green Gardens (Next to Bethnal Green
Tube) for march with UCU (University and College Union) and Tower Hamlets
College students and staff, over cuts in Jobs primarily in ESOL (English for
Speakers of Other Languages). March to Altab Ali Park, Whitechapel, for
speakers and rally.
4.30 pm – Picket the Home Office's Communications
House 210 Old Street, London, EC1V 9BR (1 minute from
Old Street tube, 205 bus goes straight from Whitechapel)
Speak out and rally including speakers from migrant
workers struggles and Yarl’s Wood.
The building looks anonymous but immigration reporting
centres are places of fear for asylum seekers, who have to report to them
monthly, weekly or even several times a week. They are places of
detention and several SOAS Cleaners were held here on the day they were
TAKE ACTION NOW - Send messages of solidarity for
the hunger strikers to: londoncoalitionaginstpove...@g
* Contact SERCO (who run Yarl’s Wood) and demand that
the strikers’ demands are met - 01344 386300 -
* Contact Yarl’s Wood and demand that the strikers
demands are met: The duty manager01234 821517; The switchboard is 01234 821000;
Health'care' 01234 821147
* Forward news about the SOAS 9 and the hunger strike
as well as this call-out to any email lists you are on or press contacts you
* Take action to demand exceptional leave to remain
for the SOAS 9: http://freesoascleaners.
* If you can donate towards credit for detainees’
mobiles or travel costs for solidarity visits, email londoncoalitionagainstpove...@
More information on SOAS 9: http://freesoascleaners.
A detainee involved in the hunger strike's story:http://
More information on the hunger strike:
Dear Bloomsbury living wage supporters,
The Bloomsbury Living Wage campaign will meet at 1pm Wednesday, the 1st of July, in the Institute of Education canteen.
All are welcome! Please bring a friend and come with practical ideas to discuss, possibly including:
* supporting the promising living wage campaign happening within the
Institute of Education, itself.
* building support for Rosa de Perez and Marina Silva, two of the "SOAS 9"
currently detained at Yarlswood removal centre in Bedford who were arrested
Friday the 12th of June as part of a strategy to undermine SOAS cleaners'
struggle for better pay and conditions.
Jesse Oldershaw
The Bloomsbury Living Wage campaign is the network of living wage campaigns
at UCL, SOAS, Birkbeck, Institute of Education, London School of Hygiene and
Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) and Senate House. It seeks the better pay and
conditions for low-paid contract workers across the Bloomsbury (WC1) area,
in line with the GLA's London Living Wage. The London Living Wage (LLW)
takes into account London's high cost of living. It was increased in May
2009 to £7.60/hour - 25% higher than national minimum wage. The LLW package
also includes fair sick pay and holiday pay and respect for trade union
rights. There have so far been successful living wage campaigns at SOAS,
Birkbeck and LSHTM.
Email for more information and join the Facebook
group at
Start up your own campaign. If this can happen at SOAS of all places it can happen anywhere. This needs to be stopped. Our fellow workmates should not be living in a state of fear.
Please join us for an outdoor filmshowing of a number of our videos and photos's.
Including food and discussion.
PLEASE RSVP so we know how much food to prepare.
If it is raining we will transfer to our common room.
This is a truly SOAS affair-we hope you join us.